So I was on my school's dance team last year, and I still have to audition this year if I want to get in.. That being said, my school has a homecoming event, called Flaming P. In honor of my school's name, Punahou, we have this huge P that we light on fire during the night. Before they do that, the dance team, the cheerleaders, and other random entertainment acts perform. Since I was on dance team last year, I get to dance at Flaming P this year. I've wanted to dance at this event for quite a few years, so you could imagine, I was quite excited... was.
What happened? One might ask. Well my coach said we were going to do a dance we did last year, which was to Shake It Off (by the queen, Taylor Swift) and it was an extremely peppy, jazzy, dance routine. I normally don't like those kinds of dances, but I really enjoyed that one. So today I walk into the studio at early o'clock, and my coach says another student has choreographed a dance, and asked everyone if we wanted to learn her dance. We unanimously wanted to learn a new dance (I don't know why, it's so much work to learn new stuff). I was down to learn a new dance, but I soon found out is HIP HOP. Like, are you kidding me? I can't hip hop. I had to learn the dance anyways, so it was no use complaining. This dance is so suggestive, and hip hop to the max, and I had such difficulties trying to do it. Here's where I have problems.
1.Everyone else can hip hop. They take classes, and know the style. Meanwhile, I'm this tall ballerina, with long legs and toes meant to be pointed. Even my close friend who also has a body type like my own looked better doing it than me.
2. It will look TERRIBLE in the situation. It's mostly all standing up, and tight body movements will be lost in the dark. Shake It Off has many large body movements because it's jazz. It looks impressive, and has a bright vibe to the dance.
3. I can't get the choreography. It's humiliating; literally everyone else looks like they know what they're doing, and can rock this dance. I forget the steps in the middle of the dance, have to watch someone else, and then I'm completely late. Yeah, being late is just a Ballet Hawaii thing. We dance off the music so we can hit that extension, or finish the penche. Apparently that was terrible training for hip hop.
4. No hate on the choreography, but I dislike the choreography. It just doesn't have a vibe I can connect to (it's because I'm not a stripper jk). I like showing of my jumps, turns (which we can't do at Flaming P because it's in grass), and extensions.
5. I have the "wrong" body type. I touched on it earlier, but my friend and I fairly tall compared to the rest of the team. I have really long legs and a this torso, which is usually amazing, but I look out of place on the team. The other girls all have a similar body type; short (5'2 ish), not really too thin, feet that look better flexed, and are actually friends with each other.
I guess I just need to vent somewhere, because nothing I do can change anything. I just have to focus on drilling the choreography and getting the vibe of the dance. I feel uneasy though, because his rehearsal felt like an audition for me for next season, and I've completely ruined my chance. If I do get in, I feel like this is how it will be learning every new dance, and I don't want to ever be in that position again. I still have to finish my choreography for the audition. I'm dancing to One Direction - Drag Me Down, and it's probably the only pop song I actually like. I don't feel any better about it now that I've wrote here, but if I get in, and I have a hard time learning a dance, I'll know how far I've come.
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